Saturday Day Camp

Are you in need of some respite? Does your child need a social opportunity? Spectrum Camps and Clubs is offering a Saturday Day Camp and School Break Camps for Thanksgiving and Spring Break weeks camps which will provide a fun filled day for your child/children while maintaining a safe environment by following our strict Covid-19 infection control policies.

The activities include social activities, arts & crafts, music, outdoor play and group activities. Saturday Day Camp is for children 5 to young adult.

This Is an excellent time for parents to have some respite time for themselves.

Siblings are invited at the same fee.

Cost per 2 Saturday Sessions: $180 - Must sign up for both sessions per month

Location: Spectrum Autism Support Center, 2997 Main St., Duluth, GA 30096

If you should have any questions, please let us know. Email address – or 678-640-2489

Scheduled Dates

Parents Night Out

July 19

2024 Saturday Day Camp

Sept. 7 and Sept. 21

Oct. 19 and Oct. 26

Nov. 9 and Nov. 16

Dec. 7 and Dec. 14

Parents Night Out July 2024

July 19, 6:30-8:30 PM

Location: Spectrum Autism Support Center, 2997 Main St., Duluth, GA 30096

Thanksgiving Break Camp

November 25-27, 2024, 9:30-3 pm


Location: Spectrum Autism Support Center, 2997 Main St., Duluth, GA 30096

If you should have any questions, please let us know. Email address – or 678-640-2489

If you should have any questions, please let us know. Email address – or 678-640-2489

Respite vouchers may be used and you can request vouchers for 9:30am-3:00pm, You can request 6 hours total. Vouchers may be requested up to 30 days in advance. ( Be sure to bring signed vouchers with you. Contact Claire Dees at for registration code if using respite funding.

Family support funding may be used if you have received a letter of allocation of funds for this fiscal year. Contact Claire for a registration code.

Covid -19 Guidelines for Camps managed by Social Skills Today

Saturday Camp – There will be a maximum of 25 campers at the site to help maintain safety and provide social distancing.

All forms will be sent to parents via DocuSign prior to the 1st Saturday a camper will attend. Parent will only need to fill out the DocuSign form once during the fall sessions. This will eliminate the use of paper. All DocuSign forms will be securely stored to provide for compliance with HIPPA. Behavior Intervention Plans from the camper’s ISP should be sent prior to the start of 1st Saturday session via email to All changes to health or behavioral information must be communicate via email to

The current temperature and daily health history related to the symptoms of Covid will be recorded electronically before each camper exits their vehicle. We will prohibit entry if it is determined that an individual or staff member is ill (fever -100.4 or over; unexplained or new cough; nausea; diarrhea; or shortness of breath/ difficulty breathing) must remain at home for 24 hours after symptoms subside. The current temperature and daily health history related to the symptoms of Covid will be recorded electronically before each staff enters the building.

Staff will escort campers to their group location. No parents/guardians will be allowed in the building.

Groups will remain together and there will be no intermingling among groups during any activity throughout the day. Group rosters will remain the same as much as possible throughout the session.

Parents will call the supervisor when picking their child up early. Staff members will escort each camper to their vehicle at the end of the day. Parents and caregivers will not be allowed in the building to pick up their camper.

Staff will continually monitor for signs of fever; unexplained or new cough; nausea; diarrhea; shortness of breath/difficulty breathing throughout the camp day. Parent or guardian will be notified, and camper will be sent home and must remain home for 24 hours after symptoms subside. Parents and staff should also be aware of the common signs of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19. Signs and symptoms of MIS-C include fever and various symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, and feeling tired.

All lunches will need to be packaged each Saturday in disposable containers, include plastic silverware, disposable containers for drinks and disposable containers including items that can’t be packaged in ziplock bags. Lunch must come to camp in either a paper bag or plastic grocery bag with your child’s name on it. We will be able to store all lunches in the refrigerator and we will have the ability to warm up food in the microwave.

Please bring extra clothes with your child’s name on each piece of clothing. These clothes will be placed in individual plastic ziplock bags with child’s name. No backpacks or bags will be allowed in the building.

Nothing except communication devices and lunches can be brought in and out of the building each Saturday.

Handwashing will be required upon entry to the building, after toileting and before and after eating plus once each hour in between. Staff will provide hand over hand to make sure safe handwashing procedures occur. Handwashing will also happen due to coughing, sneezing or spitting behavior.

All surfaces at camp will be cleaned and disinfected at the beginning and end of each day plus before and after lunch and as frequently as possible. All door handles will be disinfected after each group’s entry and exit.

Staff will be retrained in proper cleaning techniques before the start of each Saturday.

Saturday activities will use washable supplies to the extent practical. No crafts will be sent home.

It is suggested that each individual wear masks if they are able to tolerate the masks. It is suggested that you work with your child before Saturday Day Camp starts to desensitize them to the mask.

Social distancing will be practiced to the extent possible and still keep each camper safe and their personal needs provided

The following posters will be in place both inside and out as needed.

1) Handwashing

2) Coughing Etiquette

3) Symptoms of Covid

4) Stop the spread of germs

5) Physical distancing

6) Procedures for carpool – AM & PM

7) Procedures for disinfecting surfaces, toilets, handwashing stations, etc.

8) Carpool Directions (Stay in car until temperature and health check is complete, no backpacks, staff will escort camper into building)


Prior to and during Saturday Respite – Day Camp

• SST will provide training and educational material, to staff. Include information on:

−The camp administration’s responsibilities as they relate to COVID-19

−Workplace controls, including the use of PPE

−Their individual roles and responsibilities as they relate to COVID-19

• SST will communicate the importance of vigilantly monitoring their health for symptoms associated with COVID-19 and staying home if they are showing any.

• SST will continue to provide educational material to staff and enforce training requirements. Include information on workplace controls, including the use of PPE.

• SST will be aware of workers’ concerns about safety, health, and other issues related to COVID-19

.•Make administration available to hear concerns and answer questions related to these issues.

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